Rafael Melhem Moana El Khouri

Rafael Melhem Moana El Khouri

MSc Student


Rafael holds a degree in Materials Engineering from the University of São Paulo, with experience in the areas of: Probability and Statistics, with an emphasis on Multivariate Analysis using Hotelling’s T2 statistics applied to colorimetry in the automotive industry. He works in the fields of Data Science, Engineering and Machine Learning, developing solutions in the areas of recommender systems, customer segmentation and natural language processing. He is also an entrepreneur, in the area of sensory marketing (music) using technology, having provided services to customers such as Grupo Valdac (Siberian, Crawford and Memove), Tng, among other large Brazilian retail.

  • Community Detection
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Engineering
  • MSc Student in Computer Science, supervised by Marcos Quiles

    Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp)

  • BSc in Materials Engineering, 2013

    Universidade de São Paulo (USP)