Correlation-Based Framework for Extraction of Insights from Quantum Chemistry Databases: Applications for Nanoclusters


The amount of quantum chemistry (QC) data is increasing year by year due to the continuous increase of computational power and development of new algorithms. However, in most cases, our atom-level knowledge of molecular systems has been obtained by manual data analyses based on selected descriptors. In this work, we introduce a data mining framework to accelerate the extraction of insights from QC datasets, which starts with a featurization process that converts atomic features into molecular properties (AtoMF). Then, it employs correlation coefficients (Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall) to investigate the AtoMF features relationship with a target property. We applied our framework to investigate three nanocluster systems, namely, PtnTM55–n, CenZr15–nO30, and (CHn + mH)/TM13. We found several interesting and consistent insights using Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficients, indicating that they are suitable for our approach; however, our results indicate that the Pearson coefficient is very sensitive to outliers and should not be used. Moreover, we highlight problems that can occur during this analysis and discuss how to handle them. Finally, we make available a new Python package that implements the proposed QC data mining framework, which can be used as is or modified to include new features.

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Marcos G. Quiles
Marcos G. Quiles
Associate Professor

My research interests include neural networks, machine learning, complex networks, and their applications in interdisciplinary problems, such as materials science and social networks.

Ronaldo C. Prati
Ronaldo C. Prati
Associate Professor

My research interests include data science, data mining and machine learning, and and their applications in interdisciplinary problems, such as materials science, agriculture and social networks.

Juarez L. F. Da Silva
Juarez L. F. Da Silva
Associate Professor

He works in the area of Computational Science of Materials and Chemistry using ab initio methods based on Density Functional Theory for the study of metallic surfaces, molecular adsorption, oxides, semiconductors, clusters, nanoparticles, and the development of algorithms for the global optimization of the nanoparticle structure.
